How to connect computer using hotspot by create programme in VB .Net

I am going to explain how to create windows utility for create hotspot and connect it with other machine

Step :
1. Take 2 text box one for user id (i.e txtUserName) and one for password (i.e txtPassword)
2. Take 1 button using that we can execute the command to create hotspot using entered credential.
3. call following sample code to create hotspot on click of button.

// Sample Code

    Public s As String
    Public i As Integer
    Public flag As Boolean = True
    If (flag = True) Then
            flag = False
            Button1.Text = "Stop"
            txtUserName.Enabled = False
            txtPassword.Enabled = False
            i = txtPassword.TextLength
            If (i < 6) Then
                MessageBox.Show("Password must be >= 6 character", "Password")
                s = "netsh wlan show drivers" + vbNewLine + "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=" + txtUserName.Text + " " + "key=" + 
               txtPassword.Text + vbNewLine + "netsh wlan start hostednetwork"
                RichTextBox1.Text = s
                RichTextBox1.SaveFile(Application.StartupPath + "\wifi.bat", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)
                    Dim procInfo As New ProcessStartInfo()
                    procInfo.UseShellExecute = True
                    procInfo.FileName = "wifi.bat"
                    procInfo.WorkingDirectory = ""
                    procInfo.Verb = "runas"
                Catch ex As Exception
                End Try
            End If
            flag = True
            txtUserName.Enabled = True
            txtPassword.Enabled = True
            Button1.Text = "Start"
            s = "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork"
            RichTextBox1.Text = s
            RichTextBox1.SaveFile(Application.StartupPath + "\wifi.bat", RichTextBoxStreamType.PlainText)

                Dim procInfo As New ProcessStartInfo()
                procInfo.UseShellExecute = True
                procInfo.FileName = "wifi.bat"
                procInfo.WorkingDirectory = ""
                procInfo.Verb = "runas"
            Catch ex As Exception
            End Try
        End If

Explanation of code :

Here we have created one dynamic .bat file and write down all the necessary command for create hotspot and execute it through the programming.


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